Rules governing the donation of decommissioned IT equipment
The Institute will make available desktops and laptops[1] that are no longer used by the EIB Group to non-profit organisations, local community centres, religious institutions or schools registered in an EU country [2]. Donations of decommissioned IT equipment are awarded at the discretion of the Institute and decided on the basis of the use to be made of the IT equipment.
For your request to be considered, please submit a signed application form, either printed on your organisation’s letterhead and/or stamped with the official stamp of the organisation, by email (preferably) to institute@eib.org or by post to European Investment Bank Institute, 100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-2950 Luxembourg.
School application form for IT request: EN, FR
Organisation application form for IT request: EN, FR,
Applications must be manually signed (electronic signature is not accepted) and submitted by the legal representative of the organisation.
Adequate evidence confirming the status of the school or organisation (such as the statutes, by-laws or other foundational documents that confirm the non-profit status of the school or organisation) is also required and has to be sent together with the application form.
Click here for eligibility criteria
and here for terms and conditions for the donation.
[1] All laptops and desktops will be cleaned of all data and software before being donated due to confidentiality and licensing issues.
[2] Political parties are not eligible to receive a grant.