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Receiving a loan from PerMicro, one of the most important Italian companies specialising in microcredit, allowed more than 500 micro-entrepreneurs and 1 600 families to access the traditional banking system in six years (2009-2014), said Giulia Boioli and Andrea Limone, both from PerMicro, at a Midday Goes Social seminar.

Microcredits from PerMicro have helped 1 054 entrepreneurs and their families benefit from the generation of new jobs and business growth but have also provided access to medical care and reduced the number of families living below the poverty line, according to a study carried out by the Tiresia research group of the Politecnico di Milano on the occasion of PerMicro’s tenth anniversary to assess the effects of PerMicro’s activities.

The vast majority (81%) of enterprises financed are still active and the impact on public welfare has been positive, with an increase in yearly government revenues of around EUR 12 million and a reduction of EUR 3 million in public expenditure (financial aid and administrative costs). In addition to loans (average amount EUR 12 955), PerMicro also supports micro-entrepreneurs through training, monitoring and mentoring.

PerMicro is a member of the European Microfinance Network supported by the EIB Institute.

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