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Is economic growth the only path to happiness? Maybe not, said Serge Allegrezza (STATEC, the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) at a seminar organised jointly by the EIB Institute, the University of Luxembourg (coordinated by MARS – Multidisciplinary Area of Research on Sustainability, Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education) and other partners as part of the “Inequality and…” series..

“The erosion of social capital in some developed and developing countries can be the result of the emphasis on economic growth, while paying little attention to its side effects, such as income inequality”, he added.

Professor Allegrezza then presented the “Projet PIBien-être”, the first official initiative for measuring well-being and quality of life in Luxembourg via a set of 63 indicators belonging to 11 different domains, and underlined the issues of the project (too many indicators? data constraints, how to integrate it into official policy documents…).

Click here for presentation.