On Sunday 23 September, the EIB will open its doors from 11.00 to 18.00 during Private Art Kirchberg (PAK). The biennial open-day event is a unique opportunity for the public to visit 10 institutions and companies based in Kirchberg and discover their collections and architecture. Suzanne Cotter, the art director of MUDAM selected her “coup de cœur” in each.
At the EIB, visitors will be able to view the art collection via two distinct itineraries:
- A tour through the thematic exhibition “Young Talent @EIB”, retracing the outcome of six editions of the Artists Development Programme (ADP) – the EIB’s mentoring and residency scheme for budding talent.
- A walk around the four monumental art commissions integrated into the architecture of the buildings.
Guided tours will be on offer, upon request.
23 September 2018
From 11.00 to 18.00
European Investment Bank
98, bd Konrad Adenauer
L-2950 Luxembourg
The event is free of charge and no registration is necessary
For further information, please see the event’s flyer or visit http://www.artkirchberg.lu/