In 2018, the EIB and University College London renewed for five year their agreement to support a post-graduate course in Infrastructure Investment and Finance: the Masters of Science degree in Infrastructure Investment and Finance. The degree programme is based at the Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management.
The MSc reflects the importance of infrastructure for stable, sustained growth and prosperity throughout the developed and developing world. Governments are increasingly focusing on the role that infrastructure investment can play in leading economies out of recession, promoting long-term sustainable growth and protecting the environment.
The MSc course brings together academic research, industry experience and policy best practice. This helps to effectively and efficiently target infrastructure investment to address crucial structural issues such as congestion, access to clean water and stable energy supplies. It also helps policy makers to better understand effective financing of public and private infrastructure and how to deliver first class, affordable infrastructure.
EIB staff participate in teaching on the Masters programme. EIB staff can also undertake joint research projects with UCL staff and the Bank may offer traineeships and placements to Bartlett students.
Click here to see a presentation of the programme.
In addition, UCL benefited from three STAREBEI research grants, in 2013 on “The Applicability of Multi-Criteria Analysis to the Appraisal of Mega Infrastructure Seaport Projects in Major Port Cities”, 2012 on “Land value finance as a tool to diminish municipality bond risk” and in 2009 “Transport Infrastructure Financing through Land Value Capture: Applications to Estonia”.