Every year since 2012, social entrepreneurs from different parts of Europe have been competing in the Social Innovation Tournament, directing their efforts and creative minds towards creating unique solutions to everyday problems that are often overlooked.

These entrepreneurs have helped marginalised groups, they have engineered solutions to save energy, and they have created communities that empower their members.

Starting this week, we will publish these stories in which the entrepreneurs discuss their motivation behind each project, their hopes and ambitions, and their efforts to overcome the hurdles of social entrepreneurship.

Through their projects, they have found their way of creating positive change in this world.

How will you become a change-maker? Read these stories and find your inspiration.

Read here the first story “How can the colour-blind tell colours?” and learn how Miguel Neiva, founder of ColorADD, one of the past winners in the EIB Institute’s annual Social Innovation Tournament, has already had some major successes for his invention – a language of symbols – which allows the colour-blind to navigate the entire spectrum.