Three SIT alumni (Walk With Path, The Freebird Club and Adopt Grand Parents) are among the ten finalists of the first EU prize for social innovation dedicated to ageing and mobility.
The winners will be announced in the second half of 2019.
Launched by the European Commission on 27 November 2017 in Lisbon, the Horizon prize for social innovation will reward the best solutions for improving the travel mobility of older people: EUR 1m will be awarded to the best solution and the four runners-up will receive EUR 250 000 each.
The finalist projects were selected by a jury of independent experts from the fields of social innovation, age-friendly environments, social finance, assistive technologies, mobility and transport.
All the eligible applications were assessed on the work and progress achieved during the contest based on measurable data that the contestant had to prove against seven award criteria: measurability, social impact, economic impact, community engagement, scalability and replicability, sustainability, and originality and creativity.
The Freebird Club and Adopt Grand Parents are among the 11 inspirational short stories the Institute is presenting to you this summer.