The 2019 laureates of the tenth edition of Behind the Lens, the EIB Group staff photo competition, are: Heidi Lipsanen with “Amidst Fumes” (First Laureate) and “Recycling for Living” (Third Laureate), Elitsa Simova with “Urban Symmetry”(Second Laureate), Rocío Martín Frías, “The Fisherman” (Staff’s Favourite), Marcus Schluechter with “All we need is Urban Revival” (Laureate Special Category “Urban Revival”).
There were four categories: three recurrent themes – “EIB footprint”, “My Europe” and “Sustainability”, and a special category “Urban Revival”.
Of the 371 submissions, the Jury selected a shortlist of 21 photographs, exhibited at the EIB premises. 1198 people voted to elect the “Staff’s Favourite”, who received 301 votes.
Behind the Lens was launched in 2010. It offers an experimental platform to engage with the staff at all levels of the organisation and let them express their creativity. Photos are judged on their artistic merit, technical excellence and originality, as well usability for future marketing publications for the EIB. Both a specialised jury and the broader corporate audience cast a vote, choosing the overall laureates, three runners-up in each of the categories and the Staff’s Favourite.