Apply for EIBURS research grants until 30 September

Sep 9, 2020 | News, News slider

EU based universities and research centres have until 30 September midnight to apply for two EIBURS research grants on the following topics:

Understanding the sources of the productivity growth slowdown is of prime importance for policy makers. The EIB pays special attention to studying competitiveness, firm growth, innovation, access to finance and investment. The EIB is seeking a comprehensive research proposal to analyse these topics by using firm level data and the EIB Investment Survey (EIBIS), in coordination and cooperation with the EIB Economics Department. The research project will include several analyses and papers, focusing on the EU or specific EU members.

This reseach will try to answer two main questions:
i) In which ways can improvements, generated through infrastructure investments (e.g. public transport or affordable housing), to women’s access to productive resources (such as finance, land and other natural resources) and economic opportunities (decent jobs) enhance their economic resilience and well-being?
ii) based on which transversal indicators can the EIB most effectively estimate the possible differential effects of infrastructure investments on women and men and ensure that the projects’ outcomes will address existing gender gaps? In particular, is the time poverty dimension an appropriate indicator?

EIBURS provides grants to EU based universities and research centres working on research topics of major interest to the EIB Group. Sponsorships -of up to EUR 100 000 per year for a period of three years- are awarded through a competitive process to interested university departments or research centres  with recognised expertise in the selected area.

Proposals should be submitted in English by 30 September 2020 24:00 (CET) and sent to: Proposals submitted after this date will not be considered.