EIB Climate Chair Prof. Jos Delbeke and STG Senior Research Associate Peter Vis have inaugurated a new series of publications launched by the European University Institute’ s School of Transnational Governance with a policy brief  addressing Europe’s intention to introduce a Carbon Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) for imports.

This measure could prevent the relocation of European production beyond the continent’s borders (“carbon leakage”) and aims to encourage other countries to follow Europe’s example and increase their climate ambitions. In the paper, the authors provide recommendations for the implementation of this measure, should Europe decide to move forward in this direction.

The new series of publication titled ‘STG Policy Papers’ builds on previous EUI-STG publications and enhances the School’s objective of building a bridge between academia and policy and providing actionable knowledge for policy-making. The collection comprises three interconnected but distinct types of publications: Policy Points (which provide targeted information “at-a-glance”); Policy Briefs (concise summaries of issues and recommended policy options); and Policy Analyses (in-depth analysis of particular topics).

To promote knowledge transmission, the Institute is supporting two university chairs, the EIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets (“EIB Climate Chair”) at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence and the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition at Sciences Po in Paris.

At the EUI, the EIB Climate Chair is held by Prof. Jos Delbeke and will, in the next five years, engage with policy-makers in Europe and around the world on questions related to carbon pricing and sustainable finance covering policies in the fields of energy, industry, transport, trade, agriculture and forestry.