New EIB courses have started at TU Dresden, Sapienza and College of Europe Bruges.

At TU Dresden, the EIB course is a series of four lectures about the EIB and its project cycle, the Climate Bank Roadmap and the EIF. The course is open to students from different Master programmes and will last until 3 June. This is the third EIB course at TU Dresden whose students also participate in the EIB Summer School.

At Sapienza Università di Roma, in addition to the existing ‘’EIB meets Sapienza’’ course, EIB staff members will participate as guest lecturers to a course on Development Finance. The lectures will take place from 12 to 19 May and include :‘’Defining and implementing policy targets together: Two concrete examples (WBIF and SDGs) ’’; ‘’Public and private financing of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) ’’;  ‘’How development finance works in practice: EIB versus other MDBs’’.

At the College of Europe Bruges, the course focuses on sustainable project financing and project cycle and Infrastructure financing techniques.

The Institute organises and coordinates courses provided by EIB Group staff on the EIB Group’s role, mission and activities. A typical course is structured over three or four sessions covering the EIB Group’s (EIB and EIF) role and strategy, financing products or project cycles. The Institute organises annually more than 70 lectures in universities from various EU Member States.