One in three women in the EU have experienced some kind of domestic abuse or violence, and only 14% of these incidents are reported to the police.

In this second episode of our new SIT Alumni success story, we introduce HeHop, a French startup that created a smartphone application to fight against abusers by recording assaults using blockchain and boosting the chance of prosecution in court.

The app was made available in June 2020. It’s free to use and is currently only available in France. Several municipalities and police departments in France have been using the HeHop app in pilot projects.  About 700 people have downloaded the app and more than 3,500 files have been uploaded to the blockchain.

HeHop won first prize in the 2019 Social Innovation Tournament.

Read all our stories about how Social Innovation Tournament Alumni are changing the world with their innovative ventures.

Photo: HeHop founder Sandy Beky (pictured on the right)