Sneška Quaedvlieg–Mihailović, Secretary General of Europa Nostra, a long time partner of the Institute for the safeguarding of Europe’s cultural heritage, has been nominated to the new steering committee of the Climate Heritage Network.

She will be the co-Chair for Europe and the CIS together with Dr Albino Jopela, African World Heritage Fund, Africa and the Arab States co-Chair, Arq Angélica Arias, Instituto Metropolitano de Patrimonio de Quito, Latin America and the Caribbean co-Chair and Shanon Shea Miller, AICP, City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation, North America co-Chair.

The Climate Heritage Network was launched in 2019 in Edinburgh, by organisations committed to unlocking the immense power of arts, culture and heritage to drive just and transformative climate action. The steering committee is the governing body of the CHN. It determines and oversees its strategic direction.

In March 2021, the Institute supported the European Cultural Heritage Green Paper putting Europe’s shared heritage at the heart of the European Green Deal.