Pauline-Rose Dumas is a French textile artist who currently works at Le6B Saint-Denis “Lieux de creation et de diffusion” (Paris).  After graduating with a BA in Textile Design from UAL London, Chelsea College of Arts in 2019, she completed a 6-month residency at the Berlin Art Institute (BAI). There, she developed her textile practice into large-scale pieces, half way between sensitive moving images and sculpture. These pieces were presented at her first solo exhibition at the BAI.

Dumas has previously worked for the artist and designer Marlène Huissoud (Paris, 2019), interned at Hermès (Paris, 2018) and worked as a lithography printer at Idem (Paris, 2016). She was immersed and trained with craftsmen before dedicating herself to her own artistic practise.

For the ADP residency, she has been selected for the Thematic Call, “Disruption: The Imprint of Man,” which examines topical social issues in the EU: the decline of solidarity and respect as values, generational clashes, and the meaning of intra and international relations.