A team from Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Iscte) won the European Ethics Bowl 2022, a competition to raise awareness of the relevance and complexity of current ethical issues in the European context.

The final event was held at the EIB in Luxembourg on 9 December, designated by the UN since 2003 as International Anti-Corruption Day.

A three members jury (one from the EIB Compliance Department, one from the private sector and one from academia) found that the team from Iscte Lisbon made the most convincing case study on the competition’s topic “Standardisation of higher education”.

The two other finalists were a team from Université Paris Dauphine and a team from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (FEBA).

Nine teams, each of three students, participated in the semi-finals held in Ljubljana on 12 November.

In addition to the three finalists, teams hailed from Goethe University Frankfurt, EIB Summer School Alumni, University of Antwerp – Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Belgrade, University of Rijeka and University of Ljubljana.

Launched in 2020 by the EIB Institute and three leading European universities (University of Ljubljana, Paris Dauphine, Goethe University Frankfurt), the European Ethics Bowl is a competition between participating teams to discuss ethical dilemmas related to economics and business.

All interested European universities and academic programmes of European Institutions are eligible to join the competition and institutional partners.