The EIB Institute is sponsoring the Alternative Finance Forum 2023 (AFF 2023) which will take place in Thessaloniki (Greece) on 26 and 27 April.

AFF2023 is a unique chance to connect face-to-face with leaders of the alternative finance community -people who are innovating to deliver efficient financial services and solve pressing social and environmental challenges. With live presentations of innovative fintech and social finance solutions, fresh ideas from influencers, and networking opportunities, AFF2023 is a place to learn, reflect and find your best path forward.

This two-day event is being sponsored by the EIB Group, coordinated by the EIB Institute.

Day One will zoom on innovations in financial services: digital identity and client onboarding, open and decentralised finance, enterprise finance solutions for SMEs, and new fintech business models. Day Two will present new financial solutions for applying capital to solve social and environmental problems: green and climate finance, impact investing, alternative currencies and circular economies, and new social finance niches.

Defining the future of alternative finance is up to us. Join us at AFF2023 and be a part of the discussion.