Know Your Hazard, the second European conference on community disaster preparedness organised by the EIB Institute, in collaboration with the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre and the Luxembourgish Red Cross, is taking place today at the European Investment Bank headquarters in Luxembourg from 9:00 a.m. to 6.15 p.m as well as online. 

Climate change is causing an increase in extreme weather events, including floods, wildfires and other disasters. Being prepared for these events can save lives — and it can also save other precious things like the natural environment, animals and even property. What’s more, knowing how to respond and help others when disaster strikes will boost morale in difficult times, both during an event and in its aftermath.

The conference includes presentations, panels and games. See the programme here. Registrations are closed. If you would like to register for the livestreaming, please send us an email at