On 8 and 9 July, 40 alumni of the EIB Summer School coming from all past cohorts gathered in Luxembourg for the annual EIB Summer School alumni weekend.

Alumni are former students of the EIB Summer School, an intensive immersion programme into the EIB Group (EIB, EIF, EIB Global, EIB Institute) organised every year in June/July in Luxembourg by the Institute.  They are currently starting their careers in a large variety of fields including European institutions or companies related to the European project and can become ambassadors of the EIB Group’s mission among  future stakeholder organisations.

The EIB Summer School has grown from 50 students from two universities in its first edition in 2018 to 80 students from 22 universities in 2023. More than 300 students from 22 universities from all over Europe have participated in the five editions of the EIB Summer School.

The 2023 edition welcomed students from four new universities University of Crete, University of Economics in Bratislava, University of Szeged (Hungary) and University of Warsaw.  They joined students from the College of Europe – Bruges and Natolin, ESADE Barcelona, London School of Economics, Prague University of Economics and Business, Sciences Po, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Stockholm School of Economics, TU Dresden, Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, University of Bucharest, University of Coimbra, University of Helsinki, University of Latvia, University of Ljubljana, University of Luxembourg, University of Vienna and VU Amsterdam.