The EIB Art collection has been enriched this year by the acquisition of 17 new works by 15 artists including both established names as well as emerging talent.

The works are presented during an internal exhibition “There is a crack in everything… that’s how the light gets in” featuring works by Ania Soliman, Dominique Knowles, Saâdane Afif, Shuvo Rafiqul, Nevin Aladag, Joël Andrianomearisoa, Bady Dalloul, Hisae Ikenaga, Barthélemy Toguo, Olga Balema, Milena Bonilla, Teresa Margolles, John Miller, Kader Attia and Tolia Astakhishvili.

The exhibition draws inspiration from Leonard Cohen’s lyrics (Anthem), as well as the Japanese art of kintsugi, in order to investigate the ways in which art can expose the many cracks and fissures in our society. It offers a glimpse into the ways in which artists use their work to contemplate both our imperfections as well as our bright points, through a wide variety of themes and media.

An extensive programme of guided tours is foreseen for both internal and external stakeholders. Interested parties may organise a guided tour of the exhibition for their group by contacting

An extensive programme of guided tours is foreseen for both internal and external stakeholders. Interested parties may organise a guided tour of the exhibition for their group by contacting

Photo © David Laurent / WILI