Alessandro Di Lorenzo (b. 1997) is an artist born in Bari, who grew up in Matera (Italy). He has created works that fuse sculptural installations with video and performance. His ritualistic actions, sculptures and drawings unfold in a hybridized space at the crossroads of the real, the imaginary, and the symbolic. His approach is linked to an art of metamorphosis, constantly evoking an encounter with a sensitive milieu that generates new possibilities of codependence.

His more recent works are conceived as speculative docu-fiction and are often presented as an interdependence between human and non-human beings, biological forms, modern and ancestral technologies that change composition and evolve. They provoke an investigation into vernacular objects and certain marginal realities of southern Italy, revealing the role that small mythologies and everyday rituals play in our society.

Drawing on ecological thought, contemporary anthropology and philosophy, Alessandro set out to define a relationship with the environment which, from being hostile and domineering, can become a constantly renewed reading of its signs, a co-adaptation, a two-way translation as gentle and fertile as that between humans, animals and plants with their environment. It is within such a relationship that his practice takes on its full meaning: an exploration of signals, of the language born out of forms, of signifying metamorphoses, of the reversibility of signs between ‘nature’ and the ‘subject’ perceiving or acting.