Maria Trabulo (b. Porto, 1989) is a visual artist and researcher based in Porto (PT). Her multi-disciplinary practice examines the role that images and artifacts play in shaping both personal and collective historical narratives and the influence of politics in cultural narratives throughout history. Trabulo holds an MFA from the The University of Applied Arts Vienna (AUT) and is currently a Ph.D. Candidate at the School of the Arts – Universidade Católica in Porto, Portugal. Trabulo has exhibited extensively, and since 2012, has participated in artist residencies in Austria, Germany, Iran, Italy, France, Greece, Portugal, and Spain.

Recent solo and group exhibitions include: EDP Foundation’s New Artists Award 2022; Towards Gallery, Toronto (2021); CAA – Águeda Cultural Centre, (2021): Porto Municipal Gallery, Porto (2019); Deegar Platform, Tehran (2019); Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art (2018); Museum of Art, Architecture, and Technology, (MAAT) Lisbon, (2017); Neue Gallery – Tiroler Kunstlerschaft, Innsbruck (2017); Galerie UngArt, Vienna (2015); Nuno Centeno Gallery, Porto (2015); KARAT, Cologne (2013); and Super Tokonoma, Kassel (2012).