On Sunday 23 September 2018, 534 visitors visited the EIB during Private Art Kirchberg (PAK), a biennal open-day of major corporate collections in Luxembourg. The general public discovered the iconic buildings, outstanding art collections and singular gardens of ten companies and institutions based in Kirchberg, the business district of Luxembourg.
At the EIB, visitors were able to view the art collection via two distinct itineraries:
- A tour through the thematic exhibition “Young Talent @EIB”, retracing the outcome of six editions of the Artists Development Programme (ADP) – the EIB’s mentoring and residency scheme for budding talent.
- A walk around the three monumental art commissions integrated into the architecture of the buildings.
Guided tours were offered upon request.
PAK offers visitors the possibility to discover the philosophy and commitment behind each collection, namely to make art accessible to the employees, to foster corporate culture and creativity and to support contemporary artists.
The EIB has been a participant for the past four editions of PAK and has welcomed a total of over 2500 visitors on these days. The next edition will take place in 2020.