Madagascar: EIB donates €250 000 to alleviate famine

The EIB, through the EIB Institute, has decided to make an immediate €250 000 donation to three NGOs operating in Madagascar to help tackle the disastrous famine crisis — the first such crisis to be declared a direct result of climate change — in the south of the...

New EIB archives released at EUI

New EIB archives (94 in total) are now available online at the Historical Archives of EU (HAEU) located at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence. The new files relate to the minutes of meetings of the EIB Board of Directors held in 1990, and of the EIB...

SIT Mentoring Bootcamp 2021

The 15 finalists of the 2021 Social Innovation Tournament (SIT), the flagship event of the EIB Institute, “got ready for Lisbon” during the SIT Mentoring Bootcamp held in Vienna from 29 to 30 June. Hailing from nine countries (Denmark, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg,...

An app to put domestic abusers on trial

One in three women in the EU have experienced some kind of domestic abuse or violence, and only 14% of these incidents are reported to the police. In this second episode of our new SIT Alumni success story, we introduce HeHop, a French startup that created a...