Seminars and conferences 2012-2024

    • Climate Transition in a fractured world: COP28 outcomes and the EU’s path. 13 December

      On 13 December, Join us at Sciences Po Paris for this conference co-organised by the Sciences Po Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition and the European Investment Bank (EIB).

    • Sciences Po’s Chair conference: “Perspectives on just transition”- 8 February

      The European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition at Sciences Po in Paris is organising a conference “Perspectives on Just Transition” on Wednesday 8 February 5 to 7 pm at Sciences Po Paris (Amphitheater Chapsal).

      The debate will focus on the various aspects of the “just transition” that the European Green Deal and indeed any transition towards a climate-neutral economy bring about.

    • The effects of COVID-19 on firm dynamics

      The role of targeted policy support in how EU firms responded to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was “considerable” according to a STAREBEI research grant by Russell Cooper, Wolfram Horn and Leonardo Indraccolo, European University Institute, and presented at the EIB in November 2022

    • The EIB at the origins of a European environmental policy

      When did environmental protection become an EIB eligibility criterion in its own right and how far did this affect the European discussion of environmental issues in the period from the 1970s to the 1990s? These were among the questions investigated in a STAREBEI research grant by Jacopo Cellini, European University Institute, presented at the EIB on 13 December 2022.

    • Energy efficiency: Fit for 55?

      How can residential energy efficiency help the EU to be Fit for 55? A workshop organised by the Sciences Po Climate Chair at the EIB Brussels office allowed experts from the European Commission and the EIB to exchange views with civil society and Brussels representatives.

    • First EIB climate chair lecture: “We need to be more ambitious”

      “We need to be more ambitious and move away from pledges to policies” to tackle climate change, Prof Jos Delbeke, EIB Climate Chair at European University Institute warned during his first EIB Climate Chair lecture in November 2022

    • Investing in Net Zero: Leading the Way

      “We have to invest massively in innovation and renewable energy solutions, and address the energy security challenges in the context of the Ukraine war” said EIB Climate Chair Jos Delbeke in concluding the conference “Investing in Net Zero: Leading the Way” organized by the EIB and the European University Institute.

    • Assessing the potential of Floating Solar Technology

      Floating solar technology (FPV) has a lot of potential for land-constrained countries in the European market but clear guidelines and a robust policy framework are key for the market to develop according to the results of a STAREBEI research grant by Torstein Tryland, Johns Hopkins University -SAIS Europe, presented on 8 June 2022 at the EIB.

    • The positive impact of EIB lending

      EIB lending has a  “positive impact” on the GDP growth of Europe’s regions according to the results of the first STAREBEI research grant with Sapienza University of Rome presented on 12 May 2022 at the EIB.

    • Exchange rate determination in Low and Lower-Middle Income Countries

      Micro-structural characteristics in Sub-Saharan African low and lower-middle income countries (LLMICs) complicate macroeconomic management and make a move towards floating exchange rates more difficult according to a research by the University of Leeds presented in March 2022.