Get to know the 15 finalists of the SIT 2020

BeeOmonitoring combines nature (bees acting as drones to collect billions of environmental samples on large surfaces) and technology (software processing the data).

Bach Kim Nguyen
Founder & Director

Michael Van Cutsem
Chief Executive Officer

Breeze Technologies is a technology leader for air quality sensors, air quality data and air quality analytics software.

Robert Heinecke
Chief Executive Officer

Hannah Bettenhausen
Head of Operations

BuildBuddy is a digital market place that cuts across the value chain and directly connects generators of construction and demolition waste with purchasers.

Ali Khan
Team Lead Officer

Johannes Anrijs
Technical Expert

CloudCuddle is an inflatable bed-tent that enables families with handicapped children to safely sleep away from home, wherever they want and whenever they want.

Lotte Leufkens
Chief Executive Officer

Oda van Hijfte
Chief Marketing Officer

BuildBuddy is a digital market place that cuts across the value chain and directly connects generators of construction and demolition waste with purchasers.

Lena Friedmann
Project Management

Markus Ostermeier
Project Management
CMF Drive

Cokido is a bottom-up solution for parents seeking for affordable childcare. Cokido offers a solution to all parents, whether they are rich or poor, single parent or in a relationship, well known to their neighbours or a newcomer.

Eefje Cottenier
Founder & Social Architect

Benjamin Schatteman
Board Member
and Volunteer Manager

Corax is a biomedical device to prevent nosocomial infections and hypothermia in immune-compromised patients and particularly burn-injured children. Corax is an aseptic and controlled micro-environment, providing the features of an Intensive Care Unit room anywhere.

Caterina Giuliani
Chief Executive Officer

Franco Pradelli
Quality & Regulatory Manager

HERA was initially created as an open-source mobile health (mhealth) platform for refugee women and children in Turkey. HERA aims to increase access to preventative health services, related to vaccine-preventable diseases and maternal health among Syrian refugees in Turkey.

Neeru Narla
Chief Medical Officer

Aral Surmeli
Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Life Based Value is an EdTech startup that has developed a proprietary methodology and digital platform (Lifeed) with a suite of tools to support learners, highlighting to companies the importance of enabling employees to achieve better work-life synergies and how uncertainty feeds creativity, transilience and growth for individuals.

Riccarda Zezza
Chief Executive Office

Stefano Rovelli
Partnership Specialist

NaviLens wants to make cities smarter and more inclusive by empowering visually impaired people with the NaviLens code, a cutting-edge technology based on a proprietary computer vision algorithm.

Javier Pita Lozano
Co-Founder &
Chief Executive Officer

Nuria Fructuoso Ruiz
Co-Founder &
Chief Medical Officer

PlasticFri™ is a CleanTech startup from Sweden with the vision to end the plastic pollution. PlasticFri™ mission is to change that reality by transforming renewable resources (agricultural waste and specific non-edible plants) into a biomaterial that is 100% biodegradable, compostable and non-toxic.

Allen Mohammadi
Co-Founder &
Chief Executive Officer

Max Mohammadi
Co-Founder &
Chief Operating Officer

Skill Lab develops a technological solution that allows job seekers to identify their skill-sets and relate them to occupations and educational items. The results empower individuals and also help job counsellors to provide effective career orientation.

Christoph Bretgeld
Co-founder &
Director of Strategy

Karim Bin-Humam
Co-founder &
Director of Operations

SoilSteam system has proven it can replace the use of pesticides to eliminate weeds, fungi and nematodes without use of chemicals. The SoilSteam machine is 12 tonnes, 4 m wide and 12 m long, and is five times faster and consumes less energy than current state of-the-art systems.

Hans Kristian Westrum
Chief Executive Officer

Tobias Glemming
Product Manager

Inspired by how nature collects water from the air, Sponsh developped a temperature sensitive smart material that produces water from air, using the natural cycles of day and night.

Lourens Boot
Chief Executive Officer &
Chief Information Officer

Alberto Belmonte
Head of Research & Development

Tucuvi is a virtual caregiver that eliminates gaps in the care of the elderly population ageing at home via personalised phone calls made by a specialised Healthcare Virtual Assistant.

María González Manso
Co-Founder &
Chief Executive Officer

Marcos Rubio Rubio
Co-Founder &
Chief Technology Officer
