Note on processing of personal data in the context of the event: Photographs and/or audio-visual footage can be taken and/or live-streamed during (part of) an EIB event. Photos and videos can be published on the EIB website and social media pages as well as on the (partner) organisation’s online platforms. Photos and videos can be reproduced in various media including EIB publications, social networks and press, in connection with a specific event, or for further cultural and institutional purposes as well as for promotional activities of the EIB. By attending an EIB (co-)organised event, the data subject agrees that he/she may appear in published photos and/or videos as stated above. Events may be recorded and the recording is kept online on the EIB Webex platform as long as considered to serve the overall information and training purpose for the general public. By registering, attending and logging on to an event, the participant agrees and provides consent to the following: (a) personal information (data) of participants may be heard, seen, read, collected, or used by EIB as the organiser and other participants; (b) any communication or information transmitted during the event, such as voice, life instant messaging displaying names of those intervening, presentations, are available to the event audience and are also recorded for EIB further promotion and information purposes; (c) EIB may further use the information available such as invitee lists, attendee logs ,information on the evet subject matter and the recording thereof. As regards all elements under c) except the recording, the participants can withdraw their consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on the consent before its withdrawal. The EIB processes personal data of individuals under the terms of EU Regulation 2018/1725 on the protection of natural persons (data subjects) with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data. The data will only be processed for professional purposes and by authorised persons. Data subjects are entitled to have access to their data and, under duly justified reasons, to request to modify, to block, to erase it or to object their data to be processed. Data will not be retained more than the necessary. Data subjects can lodge a complaint to the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) or address any doubt to the EIB’s Data Protection Officer (DPO) (DataProtectionOfficer@eib.org).