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EU scale-up firms relocate more frequently than US or UK firms and they often relocate outside of the EU and most frequently in the US, according to a capstone project led by College of Europe masters’ students in 2024 on “The European scale-up ecosystem: Evidence on...
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“I had an incredible experience”, “One of the best experiences in my life”, “You are leading an amazing opportunity for intergenerational exchange. Thank you for giving us a voice at the EIB”: These are the words of some of the 80 students from...
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EIB President Nadia Calviño gave the open plenary keynote at the EIB Summer School 2024 in Luxembourg and had a fruitful exchange on the future of Europe, the Bank and its strategic roadmap with 80 students from 24 EU universities. She was followed by the Director...
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Germany is committed to continue providing sustainable and efficient public transport. Consequently in the coming years (2025-2035) authorities both at regional and national level will dedicate increased funding for electrification, and infrastructure expansion...