Courses, News, News slider
The first ever EIB course at the University of Coimbra has started with a lecture presenting the EIB Group given by the Head of the EIB Lisbon office on 1st April 2022. The EIB course will comprise a series of four lectures until 5 May presenting the EIB Group,...
Courses, News, News slider
The annual EIB Meets Sapienza course organized at Sapienza Università di Roma for students of the Departments of Economics and Statistical Sciences started on 24 March with a lecture on the EIB Group. Three other lectures will present the EIB’s operations, project and...
News, News slider, Seminars and conferences 2012-2019
Exchange rate drivers in Sub-Saharan African low and lower-middle income countries (LLMICs) are not widely researched, despite being distinctly different from those in more advanced markets. A better understanding will support these countries in attracting external...