Capstones, News, News slider
How to estimate the future financing needs of European SMEs was the question asked by the European Investment Fund (EIF) to LSE Master’s students in the framework of a capstone project the results of which were presented to the EIB Group in March 2021. Using the...
Courses, News, News slider
New EIB courses have started at TU Dresden, Sapienza and College of Europe Bruges. At TU Dresden, the EIB course is a series of four lectures about the EIB and its project cycle, the Climate Bank Roadmap and the EIF. The course is open to students from different...
Courses, News, News slider
“EIB Meets Sapienza’’ course presenting the EIB Group to La Sapienza Università di Roma students started on 19 March with a seminar on “The EIB Group”. Three other lectures will present EIB operations, project and business cycle (26 March), the EIB Climate Bank...