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The 2020 ‘’EIB meets La Sapienza’’ course ended on 22 May with a seminar on “The European Investment Fund: Social Commitment & Impact Finance”. Three other lectures took place on “The EIB Group Corporate Presentation” (24 April), “How do we work & how do we...
Courses, News, News slider
Results of a STAREBEI research grant on “Investment for Growth and Development in the Western Balkans: The case of the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF)” will be presented during two online lectures by the EIB tutor at Sapienza University on 20 and 21 May....
Courses, News, News slider
The 2020 series of EIB lectures for students from Dresden University’s School of International Studies has started in April with a seminar about the EIB’s history, role and missions. Three other seminars will follow on 14 May, 11 and 25 June 2020, on the EIB Project...
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Due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, the EIB Summer school 2020, which was due to take place in early July, has been cancelled. The EIB Summer School is a 10 day programme for graduate students to learn about the core activities and responsibilities of the EIB...