News, News slider, SIT Alumni News
Christoph Hantschk, cofounder of goodbag, a tech start-up, sees evidence that amid crisis some people are reconsidering what is truly essential While the COVID-19 crisis has slowed retail activity across the world, Christoph Hantschk believes something positive will...
News, News slider, SIT Alumni News
In today’s story of the new series on how Social Innovation Tournament Alumni have continued creating impact under lockdown, learn how SoLunch, a Milan start-up, went online with its lunchtime Italian meals. Read their story here. Photo: Founder of SoLunch,...
News, News slider, SIT Alumni News
Today’s story of the new series on how Social Innovation Tournament Alumni have continued creating impact under lockdown, tells us how Progetto Quid, an Italy sustainable fashion firm, shifts to protective gear in only 10 days to save jobs and fight the...
News, News slider, SIT Alumni News
In our fifth story of the new series on how Social Innovation Tournament Alumni have continued creating impact under lockdown, learn how, in the COVID-19 crisis, Portugal’s Knok makes a doctor teleconference simple and affordable. Read their story here. Photo: CEO and...