GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, Project, SIT Alumni project
CELLUGY (ECOFLEXY) CELLUGY is developing high-performing sustainable biomaterials (EcoFLEXY) that can meet the performance requirements of packaging and chemical companies, and be recycled, biodegraded, and composted in the current waste management system, enabling...
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Project, SIT Alumni project
LEAP (former BEYOND LEATHER MATERIAL) Beyond Leather Material has created a sustainable alternative to leather by upcycling apple waste discarded in cider production, using in total 80% of bio-based raw materials in its production. 2021 SIT finalist Sectors:...
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, Project, SIT Alumni project
HEY PLANET (former WHOLI) Hey Planet (formerly Wholi) is a completely new kind of sustainable food that has a nutritional profile comparable to meat but a climate-impact similar to plants. Wholi Foods is made using an innovative technique and is based on peas and...
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being, Project, SIT Alumni project
WALK WITH PATH Walk With Path is a health-tech company focused on improving mobility for people with chronic diseases and reducing the risk of falls for vulnerable individuals, including the elderly and people with mobility disorders. 2017 SIT shared 1st Prize Special...
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being, Project, SIT Alumni project
FIT FOR KIDS BLISS The FitforKids Programme is a community-based multi-component lifestyle initiative aimed at increasing the overall health of the family, as well as reducing the BMI and body fat levels of children. The programme consists of training for the whole...