GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality, GOAL 4: Quality Education, Project, SIT Alumni project
MAGRID Magrid is a language-free pedagogical training programme to foster early mathematical skills. This reduces the barrier of language for math education for second language learners found in multilingual school settings. 2021 SIT 1st Prize General Category...
Project, SIT Alumni project
TUTOR DIS TUTOR-DIS is a software tool for mobile devices that can facilitate the improvement of learning, time management, communication and the autonomy of people with intellectual and communication disabilities, mainly in working or pre-working environments, but...
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality, GOAL 4: Quality Education, Project, SIT Alumni project
TRINITY ACCESS 21 Trinity Access 21 (TA21) aims to transform the education system, through work at student, school and system level, so that every young person can reach their full potential. TA21 breaks down barriers to post-secondary progression by partnering with...
GOAL 4: Quality Education, Project, SIT Alumni project
THE DO SCHOOL The DO School offers unique educational programs enabling talented emerging social entrepreneurs to launch their own innovative and sustainable ventures. The program allows its participants to learn from passionate peers, engage with current leaders and...