GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality, GOAL 4: Quality Education, GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, Project, SIT Alumni project
KONEXIO Konexio contributes to the process of integration of refugees into new communities through a job opportunity by: (i) teaching them fundamental concepts of computer literacy, web development and programming; and (ii) empowering them with professional...
Project, SIT Alumni project
KOIKI KOIKI is a last mile delivery network and a complementary to parcel companies. KOIKI addresses three issues at the same time: (1) unemployment within disadvantaged communities (e.g. intellectually disabled, people with mental health problems, long-term...
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, Project, SIT Alumni project
JOBIRI Jobiri – an AI-based digital career advisor – is the first solution able to digitalise employment services and make them self-service. Jobiri offers job seekers a personalised, flexible and tech-based solution tailored to their needs, and at the same time...
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Project, SIT Alumni project
HELLO MUM Hello Mum (HelloAnyu) is a community and co-working space and eco-café in Budapest that allows mothers with small children and mothers-to-be to come together, participate in cultural programs, attend educational and competence developing trainings to help...
GOAL 4: Quality Education, Project, SIT Alumni project
CODE FOR ALL Code for All transforms talented unemployed people into Junior Software Developers, helping them get back in the job market. Code for All has also developed a platform that is being used by teachers and children in the classroom, to travel through the...