Financial education programme in Cyprus completed

Financial education programme in Cyprus completed

​What an incredible journey it’s been! The EIB Institute, in collaboration with ActionAid Hellas, a Greek NGO and supported by the Financial Wellbeing Institute, the Central Bank of Cyprus, the Hellenic Bank of Cyprus and the Ministry of Education has successfully...

New financial education programme in Cyprus

Following the success of the HELITFIN financial education programme in Greece, a similar programme (HELITFIN2) was launched in Cyprus at the beginning of 2022 to promote financial education in upper primary and lower secondary schools. The programme is implemented by...

Promoting financial education in Greece

The HELITFIN programme promoting financial education among Greek school pupils, which was run by Greek NGO ActionAid Hellas and sponsored by the EIB Institute, came to an end in September 2021 after two successful years. This was the first time that regular,...

SAVE Tour goes virtual!

The 2021 edition of the SAVE Tour dedicated to sustainability and financial education is going virtual! On Tuesday, 19 January, students and teachers of all school years will participate in the #SAVEsCOOL launch event, an interactive live stream in which it will be...