The European Investment Bank (EIB) Group, via its philanthropic arm, the EIB Institute, has donated €200 000 to address the mental health and winter-related needs of the Karabakh Armenian children and their families who have fled to Armenia following the military...
A month ago, Morocco was hit by the strongest recorded earthquake in the country and the deadliest in 60 years. Close to three million people from the mountains near Marrakesh and surrounding areas were affected and EIB President Werner Hoyer immediately offered...
Refugees often leave their country with the bare minimum. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, more than 7 million people have fled the country, including 600 000 to neighbouring Moldova. In March 2022, the EIB made a record donation of €2.5 million via...
Since the onset of the war in Ukraine on 24 February 2022, many children have had to leave their homes and have been separated from their friends and loved ones. They have witnessed acts of violence and destruction and undergone untold trauma. UNICEF was one of the...
A €125 000 EIB donation to the Foundation for Polish Science, coordinated by the EIB Institute, has allowed the laboratory of Professor Marcin Drąg (Wroclaw University of Technology) to carry out two valuable research projects that shed light on the SARS-CoV-2 virus...