GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality, GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being, Project, SIT Alumni project
DISCOVERING HANDS Discovering hands employs the superior sense of touch of blind and visually impaired people to improve tactile diagnosis in breast cancer screening. In a 9-month theoretical and practical training, blind and visually impaired people are trained to...
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality, Project, SIT Alumni project
COLORADD ColorADD is a unique, universal, inclusive and non-discriminative language that enables colour-blind people to identify colours whenever colour is a factor of identification, orientation or choice. The ColorADD code is based on three graphic symbols...
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality, GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being, Project, SIT Alumni project
BLUE BADGE STYLE Blue Badge Style aims to improve social inclusion by providing information on a range of issues, from trendy wheelchairs to stylish venues, whatever the disability – ‘re-defining disability with style’. Information is provided via the Blue Badge Style...
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being, GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Project, SIT Alumni project
BLITAB Blitab is the world’s first tactile tablet for blind and visually impaired people. Blitab is a Braille device for Braille reading and writing that displays one whole page Braille text at once, without any mechanical elements, allowing users to have an overview...
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Project, SIT Alumni project
1TOIT2AGES 1Toit2Ages is a non-profit organisation that has launched an inter-generational home-sharing programme to recreate inter-generational relationships. It tackles two issues: (i) the large number of old people that feels alone and experiences difficulties to...