GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality, GOAL 4: Quality Education, Project, SIT Alumni project
SPEAK SPEAK is a social tech startup that promotes social inclusion of migrants and refugees by connecting them with locals through a language and cultural exchange programme, where everyone can apply to share their language and learn a new one. Participants make...
Project, SIT Alumni project
SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS AGENCY SEA – Social Entrepreneurs Agency is a multisector cooperative that develops and implements social entrepreneurship projects that contribute to sustainability at social, economic, cultural and environmental levels in order to generate...
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Project, SIT Alumni project
RÉS DO CHÃO Rés do Chão developed a set of innovative strategies and a work methodology for transforming urban areas, by strengthening the local economy and neighbourhood relations, which have contributed to the rehabilitation, occupation and dynamization of ground...
GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Project, SIT Alumni project
RÁDIO MIÚDOS Rádio Miúdos is the first radio for kids in Portuguese that is broadcasted 24/7 through a website and a free mobile app. It focuses on positive development of each child through Portuguese music, culture and language and preservation of the culture and...
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, Project, SIT Alumni project
PLANETIERS The purpose of PLANETIERS is to promote awareness, accelerate and implement sustainability. In a single platform, customers (consumers and companies) can choose from a diverse portfolio of eco-friendly products catering to their need and facilitate reducing...