Events, News, Seminars and conferences 2012-2019
The crisis initiated in 2007-2008 has highlighted the sub-optimal nature of the Eurozone as an optimal currency area (OCA), said Bernard Fingleton, Director of research in the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, and laureate of the EIB-ERSA (European...
Events, Midday Goes Social, News
Intergenerational inequality in the European Union increased during the economic crisis and policy measures are needed to address the gap between generations said Guntram Wolf, Director of Bruegel, the Brussels-based economic think-tank, at an EIB Institute seminar....
Events, News, Seminars and conferences 2012-2019
The economic crisis has revived the debate between shareholder and stakeholder capitalism. Should firms focus more on their shareholders, who own them, or on their stakeholders? What is the state of play in Europe? What have been the recent evolution? Paola Schwizer,...
Events, News, Seminars and conferences 2012-2019
A decoupling between economic growth and energy consumption is absolutely necessary if the world is to survive, said Gael Giraud, AFD Chief Economist at an EIB Institute seminar. Fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal) still represent 80% of the world’s energy consumption, he...
Events, News, Seminars and conferences 2012-2019
The EU needs to invest in new scientific and technological opportunities if it wants to come out of the economic recession, two Italian economists, Daniele Archibugi (Italian National Research Council (CNR) and University of London, Birkbeck College) and Andrea...