News, Seminars and conferences, Seminars and conferences 2012-2019
The Eurozone crisis is “the conjunction of many crises at once but above all a crisis of governance”, said Lorenzo Codogno, visiting professor at the London School of Economics and former Chief Economist and Director General at the Treasury Department of the Italian...
News, Seminars and conferences, Seminars and conferences 2012-2019
“Europe’s credibility is at stake” in the Mediterranean region said Franco Frattini, former European Commission Vice-President and Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security (2004-2008), at a seminar organized by the EIB Institute in collaboration with the Bocconi...
News, Seminars and conferences, Seminars and conferences 2012-2019
The probability that China’s economy will have a hard landing after years of double-digit growth is “small” said Bank of China’s Chief Economist, Dr Cao YuanZheng at a seminar organized by the EIB Institute. A 7% growth rate in 2015 (compared...
News, Seminars and conferences, Seminars and conferences 2012-2019
When it comes to financing the start-up companies that Europe so badly needs, are business angels and venture capitalists complements or substitutes ? A study presented on Monday at the EIB by Paul Schure, Associate Professor at the University of Victoria, British...