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When? Wednesday 20 March 2019, starting at 12:30 The EIB Institute is pleased to invite you to the second edition of Life Project 4 Youth – Luxembourg (LP4Y) cycle of round tables “AGORA 4 YOUTH – Regards croisés sur l’inclusion des Jeunes”. The...
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When? Wednesday 6 February 2019, starting at 13:00 The EIB Institute is partnering with the University of Luxembourg, and others in organising a series of lectures under the general theme of “Inequality and …?” Follow the link for more information. The next lecture on...
Events, Events list, Events slider, News, News slider
When? Wednesday 16 January 2019, starting at 13:00 The EIB Institute is partnering with the University of Luxembourg, and others in organising a series of lectures under the general theme of “Inequality and …?” Follow the link for more information. The next lecture on...
Events, News, Seminars and conferences 2012-2019
Fresh water is a rare and threatened resource but ideas exist to open the investment tap to finance sustainable water projects said experts of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), one of the world’s leading conservation organisation at an EIB Institute seminar. More than...