Inequality and well-being

Inequality and well-being

Economic indicators do not capture the entire picture of inequality, said Martine Durand, Chief Statistician and Director, OECD, at a seminar organised jointly by the EIB Institute, the University of Luxembourg and other partners as part of the “Inequality and…”...
2017 Scaling Impact Executive Programme

2017 Scaling Impact Executive Programme

Twelve top European innovators participated in the Scaling Impact Executive Programme held by the EIB Institute in collaboration with Católica-Lisbon SBE in Portugal, which finished on Friday 24 November. For an entire week, social entrepreneurs from eight European...

Let’s make the planet greener!

The European Investment Bank together with WeForest is fighting global warming through reducing the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. How is that? For every person submitting the form available on the link below, the EIB will plant a tree in Ethiopia or...

Luxembourg Sustainability Forum

Climatologist Jean Jouzel, Nobel peace prize laureate 2007, will be the keynote speaker of the 2017 Luxembourg Sustainability Forum organised on 21 November 2017 by IMS, the leading Luxembourg network for corporate social responsibility, and supported by the EIB. IMS...