Events, Midday Goes Social, News
“Inequality begins at home. It develops from the myriad differences in the ways advantaged and disadvantaged parents interact with their children”, said Ariel Kalil, from University of Chicago, at a seminar organised jointly by the EIB Institute, University of...
Events list, Events slider
When? Wednesday 5 April 2017, 17.00-19.00 Where? Auditorium BGL BNP Paribas, 10 rue Edward Steichen, Luxembourg If you would like to attend the launch event of Microlux, please email before 27 March.
Events, Midday Goes Social, News
“Are Americans more meritocratic and efficiency-seeking than Scandinavians? Not necessarily but people’s social preferences may clearly be shaped by the redistributive institutions that are present in a society,” said Bertil Tungodden, Professor at the Norwegian...
Events, News, Scaling for impact (2)
The first Social Innovation Tournament Scaling Impact Executive programme was held in Lisbon with previous SIT finalists from Spain, Hungary, Romania and Italy: Juntosalimos, Koiki, Recicleta, Progetto QUID, Down Egyesület, Viitor Plus, School4All and...