Events, Midday Goes Social, News
Can the digital revolution, which is impacting every aspect of our daily life, play a positive role for financial inclusion? This question was at the heart of the 3rd ADA Academic Symposium, organised by ADA in partnership with the University of Luxembourg and the EIB...
News, SIT previous results
Aprendices Visuales, from France/Spain, BioCarbon Engineering, and Silent Secret, both from the UK, and FitforKids, from Denmark, are the winners of the Social Innovation Tournament 2016 which took place on 20 October in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Aprendices Visuales won...
Events, Events list, News, News slider
The EIB Institute, in collaboration with the Faculty of Economics and the Social Entrepreneurship Centre of the University of Ljubljana, and with the support from the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Slovenia, is pleased to invite you to the Final...
Events, Midday Goes Social, News
“We need the migrants but we don’t like them. We need to solve this paradox”. This is how Philippe Fargues, Director of the Migration Policy Centre at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, opened the EIB...