Midday Goes Social, News
This meeting was dedicated to the topic of social entrepreneurship and microfinance, with four eminent speakers presenting valuable experiences and initiatives. Maria Nowak, founder of ADIE, Chairwoman of ADIE International and member of the Institute’s Strategic...
Midday Goes Social, News
This 8th lecture of the series “Inequality and?” by Dr Ana Llena-Nozal (OECD) focuses on non-standard work, defined as not full-time employment with an open-ended contract. Since the beginning of the crisis non-standard work has been developing in OECD countries:...
Midday Goes Social, News
Trieste-based Illy is a family owned business and the maker of one of the best “caffè” available. It is also one of the world’s most ethical companies according to the Euro Consumer association. On Tuesday 18 November, Daria Illy, Director of New Business...
Adie, from France, and School4All, from Hungary, have been awarded the first and second prizes in the third edition of the Social Innovation Tournament, a competition organised by the European Investment Bank Institute to reward and promote innovative initiatives with...
To read about the 15 projects that were selected to compete for the EIBI’s 2014 Social Innovation Tournament, follow the links below. Title Contact Person Email Country Career Moves Gregor Demblin gregor.demblin@careermoves.at AT Blue Badge Style Fiona Jarvis...