microlux appeals to donors to support microcredit

Have some money to spare but don’t want to give it to charity? microlux, Luxembourg’s first microfinance institution, is calling on the generosity of all to set up a guarantee fund. The fund would guarantee microloans, a portion of which would benefit from a 0%...

Philanthropy report 2020 now available

2020 was the year the COVID-19 pandemic struck the world and the Institute, as part of the EIB Group’s response to the crisis, coordinated a donation of €1 million, the largest ever made by the EIB Group. Half of this donation went to well-known, non-profit EU...

SAVE Tour goes virtual!

The 2021 edition of the SAVE Tour dedicated to sustainability and financial education is going virtual! On Tuesday, 19 January, students and teachers of all school years will participate in the #SAVEsCOOL launch event, an interactive live stream in which it will be...

EIB donation following hurricanes in Central America

Following the devastating hurricanes Eta and Iota that hit Central America in November, the European Investment Bank (EIB), through its Institute, has donated €250 000 to four NGOs to mitigate the humanitarian crisis. This donation will contribute to the emergency aid...