How to make energy efficiency projects attractive?

Three-quarters of the EUR 400 billion needed annually to help the EU achieve its 2050 climate targets must be invested in energy efficiency if the EU is to meet its targets, but how to make firms consider energy efficiency projects? This was the topic of a young...

New research contract with University of Luxembourg

The Institute has signed a new research contract for a young researcher with the University of Luxembourg for a study on “Investing in regenerative sustainability and the integrity of the biosphere”. The research will start in April 2020 and last one year. This is the...

Research paper: EIB financing positive for SMEs

Financing Small and Medium Sized companies (SMEs) is an essential role of International financial Institutions and one of the EIB’s four strategic priorities. But what is the impact for these firms? It is positive, according to the results of a STAREBEI research...