Events, Events list, Events slider
The EIB Institute is hosting a series of four webinars on financial management for social entrepreneurs: “From start up to scale up” with Thomas Ferré, from the European Investment Fund’s Mandate Management – Equity team and a former social entrepreneur himself...
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The EIB Institute is hosting a series of four webinars on financial management for social entrepreneurs: “From start up to scale up”. Thomas Ferré, from the European Investment Fund’s Mandate Management – Equity team and a former social entrepreneur himself with a...
Webinar, Webinars 2018-2020
The EIB Group is set to play a key role in the fight against the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. A €25 billion European guarantee fund will enable the EIB Group to scale up its support for European companies up to an additional €200 billion through a...
Events, Events list, Events slider
The EIB Group is set to play a key role in the fight against the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. A €25 billion European guarantee fund will allow the EIB Group to scale up its support for European companies up to an additional €200 billion through...