Terms and conditions for the donation of decommissioned IT equipment
Successful applicants will be fully responsible for organising and paying the shipping cost from the EIB’s storage facility in Kirchberg, Luxembourg, to the final destination of the IT equipment, or for picking up the equipment from the EIB’s storage facility in Kirchberg within two months of receipt of the confirmation letter from the EIB Institute. The EIB does not have the resources to prepare and dispatch the IT equipment.
IMAC, which is in charge of the IT stock, must receive written permission from the applicant in advance prior to the pick-up date. In the event that a third party is picking up the material, the applicant should provide the EIB (at the email address specified in the pick-up letter issued by the EIB Institute) with the name and details of the person(s) picking up the equipment, specifying date and time of pick-up. It is important to remember to bring a copy of the pick-up letter issued by the EIB Institute, duly countersigned by the beneficiary organisation, confirming the details of the IT donation. Equipment will only be released upon signature and verification of documents.
Successful applicants must agree in advance to settle any taxes or duties payable for importing the IT equipment in the country of destination.
Successful applicants must accept in advance the right of the EIB Institute or an audit body of the Institute to visit the project that has benefited from the donation of IT equipment and to follow up on any action points from the EIB Institute following an audit or visit. In addition, successful applicants must accept in advance the right of the EIB Institute to publish details of the donation and the identity and location of the recipient on its website.
Successful applicants should send, within six months after withdrawal of the IT equipment, photos of the use of the equipment with authorisation for possible publication on the EIB Institute website. Applicants should use photos on which the users are not identifiable (images photographed from the back or with users’ faces blurred).