Research projects financed by the EIB Institute

You will find below our updated research map and a complete list of research projects financed by the EIB Institute including a short description of the project and the research papers related to the project.

Click on the locations highlighted on the map or scroll the list to find the research you are interested in.

You can access published books, published articles or reports and working papers by clicking on the icons near the document references. Grey is for books, orange for articles, blue for presentations and green for final project report. You can also access the project’s website. You can also use “search” to find projects or related research papers by using keywords (author, project name, university or any theme).

Intellectual property rights for all the papers, articles and reports linked and/or hosted on this website shall belong to the individual authors and/or other Intellectual Property owners. All the findings, interpretations and conclusions presented in those documents should not be attributed in any manner to the European Investment Bank.